
Government Allows Private Investors to Address Water Crisis 2023

The Ministry of Water, Sanitation, and Irrigation is collaborating with private investors to construct 100 large structures across the country to increase the water storage capacity.

Alice Wahome, Cabinet Secretary (CS), stated that the government is utilizing the Public Private Partnership (PPP) model to attract additional resources for investment in the sector.

“Seven large dams in Kenya contain water for the production of electricity. She stated that there are an additional 99 medium non-hydroelectric dams and over 3,000 minor dams and water containers used for domestic and agricultural purposes.

The CS stated that the Constitution guarantees Kenyans the right to reasonable standards of sanitation and clean, safe water in adequate quantities, which contributes to the provision of adequate food of an acceptable quality via Irrigation.

The Water Crisis Is Now Open To Private Investors

According to the CS, the Ministry is attempting to implement water and irrigation services by utilizing a variety of resources, expertise, and technology.

She stated that the government has invited the private sector to participate in water and irrigation services for improved outcomes and the benefit of humanity.

“The Ministry will fully mobilize the Private Sector’s strength in water and irrigation services,” said Wahome. “This will enable water sector agencies and authorities to be licensed as bulk water service providers and to sign Water Purchase Agreements (WPAs) with private investment partners, thereby boosting private investor confidence and protecting them from the complexities of dealing with downstream water service providers.”

Principal Secretary (PS) for Water and Sanitation Kiprono Ronoh announced that the government has launched the water harvesting and storage program, which provides reliable water supplies for irrigation and potable purposes.

Hi, I’m Sanjh

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