
Twitter will pay verified creators for reply ads, according to Elon Musk 2023

On Friday, Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter, made the announcement that the company will soon begin compensating verified content creators for advertising that appears in their comments. Musk is also the person who founded Twitter. It is anticipated that the first payment block would be close to five million dollars.

Musk, an entrepreneur who had recently bought Twitter in October of the previous year, declared in a tweet that “Note, the creator must be verified and only ads served to verified users count.”

Since Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, purchased Twitter, the social media company has struggled to maintain its advertiser base. Since the company eliminated the jobs of thousands of its employees, these marketers have been wary about where their advertisements would be placed ever since the company made the decision to do so.

The transition takes place as Twitter is ready to pass over control of the social media network to its newly hired CEO, Linda Yaccarino. Yaccarino is an experienced advertising expert who most recently worked for NBCUniversal.

Musk indicated in March that the messaging service generates around 5 or 6 cents per hour of attention from users and that this number may be boosted to 15 cents or more with advertisements that are more timely and relevant. Musk stated that this amount might be raised to 15 cents or more with advertisements that are more current and relevant.

Hi, I’m Sanjh

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